The ModelAssociationSet type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAliasName
Fully qualified alias name, including parent object aliases.
Public propertyAssociationSetMapping
Association set mapping (if any) mapping this conceptual model association to the underlying store associations. Normally only set for many-to-many and/or independent associations.
Public propertyFromEntitySet
First entity set involved in the association; dependent entity type
Public propertyFromEntityType
First entity type involved in the association; dependent entity type
Public propertyFromMultiplicity
Multiplicity on the dependent side of the association
Public propertyFromRoleName
Dependent (from) role name
Public propertyFullName
Fully qualified name, including parent object names.
Public propertyKeys
Enumeration of entity member pairs that make up the keys for this association
Public propertyName
Name of the model object
Public propertyNavigationPropertyFrom
Navigation property corresponding to this association in the dependent (from) entity type
Public propertyNavigationPropertyTo
Navigation property corresponding to this association in the principal entity type
Public propertyStoreAssociationSet
Store association set corresponding to this model association set. Not valid for many-to-many associations that has more than one underlying store association.
Public propertyStoreEntitySetJunction
Storage model junction entity set for many-to-many associations
Public propertyToEntitySet
Second entity type involved in the association; principal entity type
Public propertyToEntityType
Second entity type involved in the association; principal entity type
Public propertyToMultiplicity
Multiplicity on the principal side of the association
Public propertyToRoleName
Principal role name

See Also