The ModelEntitySet type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAliasName
Fully qualified alias name, including parent object aliases.
Public propertyAssociationsFrom
Enumeration of associations where this entity set is the dependent (from) entityset
Public propertyAssociationsTo
Enumeration of associations where this entity set is the principal (to) entityset
Public propertyEntitySetMapping
Entity set mapping that maps this entity set to the underlying storage model entityset(s)
Public propertyEntityType
Primary entity type for the entity set
Public propertyEntityTypeName
Entity type name for the primary entity type behind this entity set.
Public propertyFullName
Fully qualified name, including parent object names.
Public propertyGetterAccess
Protection level for the generated property getter for this entityset.
Public propertyInheritanceStrategy
Inheritance strategy setting for this entity set. This is not part of the Microsoft EDMX/CSDL specification but an extension added by this library.
Public propertyLazyLoadingEnabled
Lazy loading enabled or disabled for this entity set?
Public propertyLongDescription
Long description, part of the documentation attributes for model members
Public propertyName
Name of the model object
Public propertyShortDescription
Short description, part of the documentation attributes for model members

See Also