The StoreEntitySet type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAliasName
Fully qualified alias name, including parent object aliases.
Public propertyAssociationSetMappings
Enumeration of associationsetmappings (many-to-many associations) based on this entityset.
Public propertyAssociationsFrom
Entity set associations (foreign key constraints) originating from this entity set
Public propertyAssociationsTo
Entity set associations (foreign key constraints) referencing this entity set
Public propertyDefiningQuery
DefiningQuery for views
Public propertyEntitySetMappings
Mappings between this storage model entityset and conceptual model entityset(s) based on it.
Public propertyEntityType
Entity type defining the members of this entityset
Public propertyEntityTypeName
Name of the entity type associated with this entity set.
Public propertyFullName
Fully qualified name, including parent object names.
Public propertyIsJunctionCandidate
True if this table is a candidate to act as a junction table behind a many-to-many association in the conceptual model.
Public propertyLongDescription
Long description, part of the documentation attributes for model members
Public propertyName
Name of the model object
Public propertySchema
Schema name in the database for the underlying table or view
Public propertyShortDescription
Short description, part of the documentation attributes for model members
Public propertyStoreType
Type of underlying store object; table or view
Public propertyTableName
Table or view name for the underlying table or view

See Also